Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November 9th

Family and friends!

Well another week in Guatemala and I completed another month in the mission this week! Wooohooo! Now I'm at 14 months! Haha! But this week has been a week full of the spirit! So on Monday we left here from Teculutan to go to the capital for another meeting with the president, and all of the zone leaders! So this month we got to hear some great advice from the president and the assistants of the mission. Right now a difficulty that we have seen is that we haven't been finding a lot of new investigators. It's been a little bit hard for people to except us to enter their houses and teach them about the message that we have. But the great thing to know is that the Lord understands and knows our difficulties and our challenges and he can help us accomplish what we need to if we have the faith to do it. So on Tuesday we had the meeting and on Wednesday we got to share the message and the things we learned with the whole zone. We had the opportunity to teach them and help find solutions to the difficulties and challenges that pass in our areas.

Also, on Saturday we visited one of our investigators that is preparing to be baptized on the 21 of November and before he hadn't recieved his answer that he needed to be baptized again but when we passed on Saturday, we asked if he felt like he was ready to be baptized on the 21st and he said yes! He knows that he has to do it and that it's something he wants to do! I was so happy in that moment! I knew that the Lord would answer his prayers and he would help him through his difficulties!

Also, this week during my personal studies I was studing in Alma 34 and the whole hour I only studied 17 verses!
But in this chapter it is talking about Amulek testifiying the words that Alma had declared to these people, and verse 9 says...

" 9 For it is expedient that an atonement should be made;for according to the great plan of the Eternal God theremust be an atonement made, or else all
mankind mustunavoidably perish; yea, all are hardened; yea, all arefallen and are lost, and must perish except it be throughthe atonement which it is
expedient should be made."
And if there isn't an infinite and eternal atonement, we wouldn't be able to rise from our sins, we would have been fallen, lost and abandoned for time and all eternity but that wasn't the plan of god. His plan was for us to return unto him, to have a savior, a redeemer, brother who would pay for our sins. who would bring us back to his fold, and who would to forgive us for all of the bad things that we have done in our life.

In verse 16 he states something super important for the people that repent.
"16 And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety, while he that exercisesno faith unto
repentance is exposed to the whole law of thedemands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faithunto repentance is brought about the
great and eternal plan of redemption."
When we repent, we literally become part of the biggest piece in God's plan and it helps us to prepare to be like him. How marvelous it is to know that someone who created everything on earth; the birds, animals, trees, bushes, mountains, and people; lets us as small and almost insignificant as we may seem to everything there is in the whole universe, he lets us become like him through our brother Jesus Christ, we become part of "His Happiness" everytime we repent and change our bad habits. We become part of His "Great and Eternal plan of redemption.

Love Elder Flygare!

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