Hey family and friends,
This week we had a baptism! A wife and a husband! and here
in this branch we dont have a real baptismal font... we have a baptismal font
that is like a set up pool, but for baptisms.
Also, next week we have a special 3 mission conference where
we are going to listen to a special speaker. (we dont know who it is) and we
will end our special 40 day fast! of leaving behind us our bad habits and
become better missionaries.
So I'm a zone leader and before this change I was a district
leader and I had a lot of people in my district. There was nine of us in total
in my district but the thing that was good was it was a district of all elders.
(I'm not saying that the sisters are bad but with them we have to watch what we
say because they get offended really easily). So anyways, I got moved to be
zone leader of a zone with 14 people in it, which is small, and we have 6
sisters in this zone, and 8 elders. Then 2 elders had problems with their
branch president so they left and they didn't put elders back into the area. So
president said that the duty to be district leader is mine. My comp will focus
on the whole zone and I will focus a little on the zone and a lot on the
district of just sisters. So I'm really nervous because I dont want to offend
them and I dont know how to help them without offending them and I only have
brothers, so I'm used to being direct with the elders and sometimes hard on
them but with sisters its completely different!!!
Ya, so I am seeing the first trials as a zone leader with no
time to even really eat dinner in the night. And also sorry dad but I haven't
written in my journal in a while. I have the intentions to do it but then
something comes up and I don't have time to write in it.
But I am loving this opportunity to learn and to grow and to
become the man that God wants me to be. I know that through my diligence we
will see a lot of miracles and we will do everything that the Lord hopes from
us. I am grateful for the opportunity to be finishing the challenge of the Book
of Mormon from our mission president. I have finished it and I have seen the
difference in my attitude, character and the way I am trying to help our investigators.
My favorite scripture this week! I love that we need to not
doubt the lord but we need to be strong and rely on him. He is perfect. He is
unchanging. and he is the same yesterday, today and forever. I know that he
guided Lehi and Nephi in the wilderness and they came here to the promised
land. But I also testify that he helps us today. He answers our prayers, he
picks us up when we fall and also he cleans us from our stains of sin. He is
the all mighty. He lives and will not cease to show miracles in these times.
Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old,
and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling before him. Be wise in the days of your probation;
strip yourselves of all uncleanness; ask not, that ye may consume it on your
lusts, but ask with firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but
that ye will serve the true and living God.” Mormon 9:27-28
I love you guys so much!
Elder Flygare
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