Friday, March 25, 2016

February 8, 2016

Familia y amigos!

Hey! So one of the experiences that I have had was this week, I was on divisions and we went to a house of a family less actives and they have a daughter that isn't baptised. So our plans were to talk to them about the restoration to kindle the fire that was once in their hearts about the church. But when we got there, I felt propmted to talk about the faith and repentance. We started asking them questions about there family because their son was in the hospital for a few days because of his asthma. So they told us about their experience in the hospital and they saw two miracles in their life. 1) When the hospital was closed for emergencies they opened the doors for him. 2) The daughter that is 9 years old prayed every night for her brother and he re-cooperated from what was happening. So when we started the lesson, we could feel like they were all ears open. We shared a scripture in the Book of Mormon from Alma 32:21 and also Ether 12:6 and 12. We explained that the faith needs to be shown to our father in heaven through our actions and if we don't do anything we can't receive those miracles that are waiting for us.

We then shared there isn't any sin that can't be forgiven. It doesn't matter how low we feel that we are in life, that we can always rise up and become NEW. Isaiah 43:25. He will never remember our sins. Even before God during judgement day, he will never leave us, and he will be our lawyer.  As we followed the spirit we knew what scriptures we should share and how we could touch their hearts and they were almost in tears during this lesson! But not because of us, but because of the spirit.
But I would also like to tell you guys that we are going to have a baptism this week and we hope to have another baptism on the 27th of Febuary! I hope that everything can go well and that we can help them have all their answers to their prayers and questions!

Elder Flygare

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