Hey guys!
How are you
doing? Things have been great here and we have another baptism this Saturday!
This person's name is Tonito and he is an amazing kid! He is ten and his mom is
a member and his aunts family (who he lives with on the weekends) are members
and he has been attending church for a long time. He is awesome and he has such
a strong testimony of the gospel. The only things that he didn't really
understand and why he wasn't baptized before was the law of chastity, the word
of wisdom and tithing, but we have taught those now and he is ready to be
baptized! Also with my Spanish, I didn't learn Spanish in three weeks but I
have learned so much. I'm grateful for what I have learned and I know that the
lord has blessed me with so much, with a great family and great support. I am
so grateful for this gospel and for our savior. I know that he lives and I know
that he died and suffered for our sins and that we can live with our families
This week was
Thanksgiving but I didn't remember so it wasn't a special day for me, but to be
honest it's because it doesn't even feel like it's December today, it feels
like October which is great! Time is flying by and i'm grateful for the
opportunity to serve and that I will make the most of it while I am out here!
It's definitely hard but it's definitely worth it. Also, I sent more letters
today for you guys for Christmas and I will be sending a package next week so
hopefully it gets to you guys by Christmas. Also, this last week was changes
and this is change number three! Can you believe it? I have already completed 2
of 16 changes! I'm already one eighth of the way done! I cant wait to hear from
you guys next week and i love you guys so much! Also, go to this website and
watch this video, our mission president sent this to us in our weekly emails
and its really good. navidad.mormon.org
I hope you guys
are living life to the fullest and that you guys are asking for help from the
Lord. I love you guys so much and I am grateful for you guys and the examples
you guys are. You guys are the world to me and I would do anything for my
family. Be safe and have fun! Chace, I hope you are doing good in baseball and
you are always trying your best.
Elder Flygare
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