Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 7 - First Week in the Field!!

Hey guys, thanks for the emails! It was great to hear from so many people! and yes I knew my room mates were going to Colton's mission, so I wrote Colton a letter and had them give it to him. So Tuesday right before lunch we found out what mission we were going to and who our companion was. So I am in the LA REFORMA 2, ZACAPA MISSION. and my comp is Elder Garcia! he is an amazing hard working missionary. I am his first gringo trainee and he is trying to learn English as I learn Spanish. He works hard with English. So from the "mission home"  which was a stake center. we left to Zacapa and my comp was in Zacapa already waiting for me so I didn't know who he was. all I knew was he was a Latino. so I had a wonderful (not) 4 hour drive to Zacapa on a bus and Elder Dawson was with me for the first 1 before we got on different buses. so then I arrived in Zacapa and we went to our house and then went straight out to tract and visit members and less actives. I was so lost. I didn't understand anything, it was difficult. So then at 9 we went home and had dinner and planned for the next day. I have already learned so much its crazy how fast I am learning. So the first full day we had was hard. my comp had me give three baptismal questions and they are going to get baptized on Nov. 15! if they keep obeying the commandments and attend church. That day was so hard because I didn't understand anything, I felt like crap and felt like I was worthless but that's what the devil wants. So I said a prayer and I was comforted so much. also that day we gave a blessing and that blessing was for a sick elderly woman and she looked bad. I didn't know what was said in the prayer but my comp later told me that the spirit told him to say that she would return to our heavenly father and everything would be okay. I'm so sorry I don't have any more time... there is some pics though and we don't have wifi in Zacapa. I will send more next week. I love you guys and don't send a package yet, send one for Christmas. Just send letters. Love you guys!

Elder Flygare

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