Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week Three

 sorry i tried hitting the tab button and it sent the email. these key boards a different then the american ones. sometimes it is hard to type because you dont know where any thing is.
     but this week has just been awesome. we learned futuro tense for verbs and for regular verbs they are so easy. i have one of the best districts too because when one person need help with a word, we can ask at any time and someone will know how to say it. (mostly elder dawson is the one to answer. go figure. hes a genius) but we have just been a super cool district and we have all become such good friends.
     hopefully i will be able to take pictures when im at the market! ill take pics of my distict too. im sorry if i am not answering some of your guy's questions, its so hard to say everything you want to say in your emails. 
     somethings i learned this week is that we need to have faith in the lord. ask in faith and listen to the still small voice of the spirit. act on every prompting. next is about prayer. prayer is our one way to communicate with the lord. always pray even when you dont want to or dont feel like you need to. and as missionaries the lord has called us to succeed not fail. we will grow and the lord will never abandon us. he has called me to serve a mission. in case something happens and my mission changes then we are suppose to remember that the lord has called us to serve a mission. we are assigned to that mission but assignments can change. but he needs us to serve a mission no matter where he calls us to serve. the last thing i would like to talk about is what my teacher told us last week. we asked hermano ruiz about familys after this life, specifically kids younger than 8 and he said, joseph smith taught, "that when young children die. when we get to the ressurection the lord will look to the mom of the child and will let her raise the spirit children in heaven until the have grown to the full stature that it needs to be." and it really hit me hard because you(mom) will have the opportunituy to raise micah, micayla, and mason in the next life. 
     i would like to end with my testimony, yo se que la iglesia de jesucristo es el verdadera iglesia de dios. yo se que jesucristo es nuestro salvador y que el murio por nuesrto pecados. 
sorry its short but i have to go...

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